Easy Barbie Valentine's Day Box!

Here’s a fun and easy idea for creating a DIY Barbie Valentine’s Day box:

  1. Save Your Barbie Box:  If you don't have one, here's a thought - purchase a barbie to put in your little one's Valentine basket and snag the box.  The Barbie will look just as adorable in that basket without it's packaging. 
  2. Picture Perfect: Cut around a lovely picture of your kiddo. Action shots or candid smiles work wonders!  Or snap some new photos of your little in "Barbie Pink"

  1. Tape it Up: Use clear tape to secure the picture inside the box. It’s like they’re jumping out from a magical world!
  2. Voila!: Just like that, you’ve got yourself an adorable Valentine’s card collector!

Be sure and check out our Barbie Valentines Post - because coordinating your box to your valentines is extra cool!

Imagine the look on your child’s face when they see their own little action figure self popping out from a world of glittery hearts and stars! It’s not just a box; it’s a magical portal to a universe where every card is a message of friendship and love.

I hope this helps you get started on your DIY Valentine’s Day box. If you have any questions or need further inspiration, feel free to ask! 😊